Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)

Minerals are the spark plugs of the body and a KEY foundation of health.

The HTMA* may be the missing piece to your puzzle. 


With an in-depth look at your mineral status, we learn primally about the functioning of key metabolic organs — your thyroid (even if your labs have been coming back “normal”!) and adrenal glands. Both are  major energy drivers for the body. Additionally, we learn about your body’s current state of stress, your metabolic type (fast or slow), blood sugar balance, toxic elements present, macronutrients that are most support to you, and more — with tidbits about digestion** and liver function sprinkled in too.

Minerals have synergistic and antagonistic relationships and when out of balance, lead to unwanted symptoms like: water retention, anxiety, depression, fatigue, constipation, diarrhea,  loss of stamina, low thyroid function, hair loss, hormonal imbalances, increased susceptibility to infection, and more!

The protocol is simple, bio-individual, tailored to you, and incorporates impactful food and lifestyle changes to best to support your body in this season.

There’s so much good stuff to unpack here, so buckle up and get excited about finally having more answers + a roadmap to a better functioning body from one simple and affordable test.

Space for this offering is limited each month and is first come first serve.

Purchase below!

I look forward to the chance to serve you in your healing journey.

*The HTMA is not a diagnostic test. Integrative Nutrition & Health Coaches do not diagnose, treat or cure any disease but we do look at things from a root cause perspective and provide strategic guidance to help get your body back on track.

Tell me more!

Mineral imbalance can lead to so many unwanted symptoms:

  • anxiety and depression

  • fatigue / loss of stamina

  • brain fog

  • constipation, diarrhea, bloating

  • anger and aggressiveness

  • low thyroid function

  •  weight gain that is hard to lose

  • hair loss

  • hormonal imbalances

  • and more!

What does mineral balance have to do with balancing my hormones?

Minerals are to your body what spark plugs are to your car. Minerals are what make your cells run and are the foundation in which the body works. If you do not have the right mineral balance, it is nearly impossible to heal your hormones, support thyroid function, and get your gut to work correctly.

When minerals become depleted, thyroid & metabolism slow down.  As thyroid & metabolism slow down, so do important processes like digestion.  As digestion slows, there becomes an increased burden on the liver.  In addition, our liver also requires minerals to properly detoxify.  This becomes the perfect recipe for hormone balance.


As minerals become depleted, the adrenals become exhausted.  Their function slows and their ability to respond to stress declines.  This impacts hormone production and how the body utilizes hormones, along with impacting your body's ability to use thyroid hormone, all which are essential for healthy, balanced hormones.

The protocol is simple, bio-individual, tailored to you, and incorporates impactful food and lifestyle changes to best to support your body in this season.

There’s so much to unpack here, so buckle up and get excited about finally having answers + a roadmap to a more balanced, better functioning body.

Choose my package now!

HTMA Offerings:



What’s included:

  • (1) HTMA test and analysis 
  • Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire analysis - the eye-opening and informative  symptom questionnaire 
  • Food and Mood journal review
  • (1) 60 min review + recommendations Zoom call
  • Simple and effective dietary and lifestyle recommendations + 8-10 page recap tying symptoms to mineral levels to better understand your results and how minerals impact how we feel
  • (1) 15 min follow-up call for additional support with your HTMA results and protocol


20% discount on HTMA Retests

(I recommend an HTMA re-test 4-6 months after implementing your protocol, so we can continue to support where your body is at.)





  • (1) HTMA test and analysis 
  • Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire analysis - the eye-opening and informative 320 symptom questionnaire 
  • Food and Mood journal review
  • (1) 60 min review + recommendations Zoom call
  • Simple and effective dietary and lifestyle recommendations + 8-10 page recap tying symptoms to mineral levels to better understand your results and how minerals impact how we feel
  • (1) 15 min follow-up call for additional support with your HTMA results and protocol


20% discount on HTMA Retests

(I recommend an HTMA re-test 4-6 months after implementing your protocol, so we can continue to support where your body is at.)


  • 3 months of ongoing support
  • Once a month 45 minute check in calls (months 1-3)
  • Discount on retest and updated protocol in month 4
  • Email check-ins on the weeks we don't meet
  • Email access to me during the entire 3 months 

(If purchased separately the total cost is after testing the total coast is $750 so bundling now saves you $100.00)


I'm Rose Amonte Yodzio


I was an elementary school teacher for over 30 years and for a lot of those years I struggled with digestive issues, migraines and exhaustion. After years of suffering, I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease and through changes in my diet, I started to notice improvement. What I discovered over time though, was that my symptoms were not just caused by gluten. After years of restricting my diet, punishing my body with exercise and “pushing through" when I was exhausted, my  hormones were extremely unbalanced. This journey led me to this path as an Integrative Nutrition &  Health Coach so that others don’t have to suffer with symptoms that they are told are “normal” as we age. While they may be common, they are definitely not inevitable.  I love using HTMA in my practice as it gives my clients answers + a roadmap to a more balanced, better functioning body.

I believe in this test so much that is included in my group and long term 1:1 packages FOR FREE.

Have questions?  Book a free call with me HERE


"Getting my HTMA results helped to validate some of the ways I had been feeling and also was so insightful as to what I could actually be doing to support my body. My results helped me to lean into what my body was trying to tell me with an informed and strategic approach. Less guesswork/trial-and-error, and more actual, tangible ways to meet my unique and individual needs from a nutrition and lifestyle standpoint."


"Rose's recommendations based on the test results were very manageable and personalized. She emphasized that maintaining health is not just one step but many pieces that complete the puzzle. Rose's teaching background allows her to differentiate the needs of her clients to individualized protocols and personalize a health plan in a non-threatening way. The steps are manageable and the results are tailored to what each person needs - it takes the guesswork out.

Getting the sample is very easy and does not require blood work or doctor's visits. It honestly gave me way more information that I have received from any medical office visit. Don't hesitate to try it when you are ready to commit to changing some of your habits. Thank you Rose!"
"No blanket responses or generalizations, but truly individualized. I appreciate the time and care Rose took to ensure that I had all of the tools It is an amazing investment that helps with a specific and personalized plan to improve your health and overall well being.   It's a non-invasive, cost-efficient step to gaining more insight into not only the nutrients present in your body, but the relationship between them"





